Engineering at Comic Relief
The aim of this engineering handbook is to provide engineers and stakeholders with guidelines and directions on how we approach engineering and its challenges at Comic Relief.
We have put together this handbook collaboratively and in the open, much like we open source many of our applications.
Engineering Principles
Within the engineering team we operate in a NoOps environment: we focus on the use of cloud servies and automation. Software and software-defined hardware are provisioned dynamically, setting our talent free to help drive business outcomes. Using cloud-native resources, we greatly reduce Dev and Ops complexity as there are less owned by the technical teams, resources are consumed as a service and not self-managed.
We continuously strive to apply the following engineering principles in the way we develop our services and digital products.
- Reusable services as engineering products
- API-first
- Cloud-native
- Real-time data and monitoring
- Accessibility at the heart of everything
- Going beyond the screen
We approach those principles in the following manner:
Development of services over maintaining infrastructure and manual scaling. Functions over microservices, microservices over monoliths, managed services over self-managed services. 12-factor apps where applicable.
Use of and contribute to open source software. Coding in the open as our default setting.
Continuous delivery backed up by automated testing. Deploy with confidence to production systems multiple times a day.
Real-time monitoring of live products through dashboards (e.g. Grafana), logs (e.g. Epsagon, CloudWatch) and alerts (e.g. Wormly, Slack).
Everything in code and everything code-reviewed. In-code and live documentation over wiki documentation.
How to contribue
You can edit this handbook locally using gitbook
yarn install
And then you can serve this locally using
yarn start
And check out the handbook at